Pesticides (also known as agrochemicals or plant-protection products) undergo a battery of tests to fulfil government regulatory agencies’ data requirements for health and safety. These include tests for eye and skin irritation, skin sensitisation, and acute oral, inhalation, and dermal toxicity as well as studies on reproduction and development, neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and ecological effects.
Many of the required tests use animals. However, there is a global movement away from animal tests, which are increasingly being demonstrated to be unreliable or not relevant to humans,1–11 and towards non-animal toxicology testing approaches that better protect human health and the environment.
1Luechtefeld T, Maertens A, Russo DP, Rovida C, Zhu H, Hartung T. Analysis of Draize eye irritation testing and its prediction by mining publicly available 2008–2014 REACH data. ALTEX. 2016;33:123-134.
2Clippinger AJ, Raabe HA, Allen DG, et al. Human-relevant approaches to assess eye corrosion/irritation potential of agrochemical formulations. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2021;40(2):145-167.
3Pham LL, Watford SM, Pradeep P, et al. Variability in in vivo studies: defining the upper limit of performance for predictions of systemic effect levels. Comput Toxicol. 2020;15:100126.
4Paparella M, Colacci A, Jacobs MN. Uncertainties of testing methods: what do we (want to) know about carcinogenicity? ALTEX. 2017;34:235-252.
5Allen DG, Rooney J, Kleinstreuer NC, Lowit AB, Perron M. Retrospective analysis of dermal absorption triple pack data. ALTEX. 2021;38(3):463-476.
6Kleinstreuer NC, Hoffman S, Alépée N, et al. Non-animal methods to predict skin sensitization (II): an assessment of defined approaches. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2018;48(5):359-374.
7Rooney JP, Choksi NY, Ceger P, et al. Analysis of variability in the rabbit skin irritation assay. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2021;122:104920.
8Karmaus AL, Mansouri K, To KT, et al. Evaluation of variability across rat acute oral systemic toxicity studies. Toxicol Sci. 2022;188(1):34-47.
9Gottmann E, Kramer S, Pfahringer B, Helma C. Data quality in predictive toxicology: reproducibility of rodent carcinogenicity experiments. Environ Health Perspect. 2001;109(5):509-514.
10Kleinstreuer NC, Ceger PC, Allen DG, et al. A curated database of rodent uterotrophic bioactivity. Environ Health Perspect. 2016;124:556-562.
11Browne P, Kleinstreuer NC, Ceger P, et al. Development of a curated Hershberger database. Reprod Toxicol. 2018;81:259-271.
On this page:
- Regulatory Landscape
- Eye Irritation/Corrosion
- Skin Irritation/Corrosion
- Skin Sensitisation
- Acute Systemic Toxicity
- Carcinogenicity
- Ecotoxicity
- Toxicity Tests Using Dogs
- Training and Collaborations
Regulatory Landscape
In the EU and the UK, pesticide regulations require the use of non-animal methods where they are available, and lists of some of the accepted methods for each endpoint can be found in the data requirements.1–6
In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs has committed to making the transition towards the use of non-animal testing approaches, which will enhance the quality of risk assessment and ensure better protection of human health and the environment.7 The EPA offers companies the opportunity to provide robust scientific rationale to allow the waiving of tests that do not add value to the risk assessment process.8 In addition, in 2020, the EPA published a work plan9 (updated in December 2021) and two webpages10 summarising opportunities to reduce and replace animal use and testing metrics.
1European Commission. Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC. Official Journal of the European Union. Updated 21 November 2022.
2European Commission. Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 of 1 March 2013 setting out the data requirements for active substances, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Official Journal of the European Union. Updated 21 November 2022.
3European Commission. Commission Communication in the framework of the implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 of 1 March 2013 setting out the data requirements for active substances, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Official Journal of the European Union. 3 April 2013.
4European Commission. Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 of 1 March 2013 setting out the data requirements for plant protection products, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Official Journal of the European Union. Updated 21 November 2022.
5European Commission. Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 of 1 March 2013 setting out the data requirements for plant protection products, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Official Journal of the European Union. 3 April 2013.
7US Environmental Protection Agency. Letter to stakeholders on EPA Office of Pesticide Programs’s goal to reduce animal testing from Jack E Housenger, Director Office of Pesticide Programs. 16 March 2016.
8US Environmental Protection Agency. Bridging or waiving data requirements. 7 February 2023.
9US Environmental Protection Agency. New Approach Methods Work Plan. December 2021.
10US Environmental Protection Agency. Strategic Vision for Adopting New Approach Methodologies.
Eye Irritation/Corrosion
The use of non-animal methods to assess the eye irritation potential of pesticidal active ingredients and formulations may be allowed and even encouraged, depending on the regulatory region. In the EU and the UK, the regulation requires the use of non-animal methods when they are available.1,2 Additionally, guidance from the UK Health and Safety Executive warns that data from tests using animals may be rejected.3
In the US, the EPA Office of Pesticide Programs accepts the use of an alternate framework for evaluating the eye irritation potential of antimicrobial cleaning products and, on a case-by-case basis, other classes of pesticides and pesticide products.4 In addition, the EPA allows for the submission of in vitro data to address eye irritation data requirements and to support the registration of pesticide products and the registration review of registered pesticides.5 To broaden the use of reliable testing methods, the Science Consortium collaborated with the EPA, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, and others to review the available test methods and showed that in vitro and ex vivo methods are less variable and as or more human-relevant than the traditionally used rabbit eye test. The review also states that the rabbit test is not a reliable reference standard and that new methods should not be compared to the rabbit test to show their validity.6 The Science Consortium and the NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM) have also coordinated and funded the testing of agrochemical formulations using various in vitro and ex vivo methods to demonstrate how to use these methods to meet EPA testing requirements.7
2European Commission. Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC. Updated 21 November 2022.
3UK Health and Safety Executive. Vertebrate testing (toxicology).
4US Environmental Protection Agency. Alternate testing framework for classification of eye irritation potential of EPA-regulated pesticide products. Updated 11 May 2023.
5US Environmental Protection Agency. Strategic Vision for Adopting New Approach Methodologies – Metrics. Updated 13 April 2023.
6Clippinger AJ, Raabe HA, Allen DG, et al. Human-relevant approaches to assess eye corrosion/irritation potential of agrochemical formulations. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2021;40(2):145-167.
7van der Zalm AJ, Daniel AB, Raabe HA, et al. Defined approaches to classify agrochemical formulations into EPA hazard categories developed using EpiOcularTM reconstructed human corneal epithelium and bovine corneal opacity and permeability assays. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2024;43(1):58-68.
Skin Irritation/Corrosion
There are multiple in vitro and in chemico skin irritation tests available that are applicable to pesticides (including formulations) and cover the full range of irritancy. In the EU and the UK, the regulation requires the use of non-animal methods when they are available.1,2 Additionally, guidance from the UK Health and Safety Executive warns that data from tests on animals may be rejected.3
In the US, the EPA, NICEATM, and others have partnered on a publication reviewing the reliability and relevance of the available test methods (publication forthcoming). In addition, the EPA allows for the submission of in vitro data to address skin irritation data requirements and to support the registration of pesticide products and the registration review of registered pesticides.4
2European Commission. Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC. Updated 21 November 2022.
3UK Health and Safety Executive. Vertebrate testing (toxicology).
4US Environmental Protection Agency. Strategic Vision for Adopting New Approach Methodologies – Metrics. Updated 13 April 2023.
Skin Sensitisation
In 2021, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a guideline outlining three defined approaches comprising combinations of in silico, in chemico, and in vitro approaches.1 The data produced by the defined approaches have been demonstrated to be as or more informative than the mouse local lymph node assay.2
In the EU and the UK, non-animal methods are required to be used in place of tests on animals when they are available and applicable.3,4 In the US, in 2018, the EPA instituted an agency-wide policy accepting the use of in vitro defined approaches for skin sensitisation testing of single chemicals (including agrochemicals),5 and in 2020, the agency applied the policy to the re-registration of six isothiazolinones by conducting a risk assessment using in vitro tests and an artificial neural network–based defined approach.6,7
1OECD. Guideline no 497: defined approaches on skin sensitisation. 22 June 2021.
2Kleinstreuer NC, Hoffmann S, Alépée N, et al. Non-animal methods to predict skin sensitization (II): an assessment of defined approaches. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2018;48(5):359-374.
4European Commission. Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC. Updated 21 November 2022.
5US Environmental Protection Agency. Interim science policy: use of alternative approaches for skin sensitization as a replacement for laboratory animal testing draft for public comment. 10 April 2018.
6US Environmental Protection Agency. Pesticide registration review; draft human health and ecological risk assessments for several pesticides for several isothiazolinones; notice of availability. Fed Regist. 2020;85(94):28944-28946.
7Strickland J, Allen DG, Germolec D, et al. Application of defined approaches to assess skin sensitization potency of isothiazolinone compounds. Appl In Vitro Toxicol. 2022;8(4):117-128.
Acute Systemic Toxicity
The Science Consortium partnered with NICEATM, the EPA, and others on the implementation of alternative approaches for acute systemic toxicity testing, including a publication outlining current regulatory requirements, data obtained from the currently required tests, data actually used and needed by regulators, and opportunities for the use of non-animal approaches to meet regulatory needs.1 The publication of this paper was an action item proposed at a 2015 workshop2 co-organised by the Science Consortium and was followed, in 2016, by a workshop3 focused on acute inhalation toxicity testing.
The GHS Mixtures Equation uses toxicity data from the individual ingredients in formulations to estimate the toxicity of end products without having to conduct additional testing.4 In the EU and the UK, the GHS Mixtures Equation is accepted for assessing acute systemic toxicity (oral, dermal, and inhalation) as well as eye and skin irritation and the skin sensitisation potential of pesticide formulations on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the likelihood of synergistic effects.5,6 In the US, in 2021, the EPA investigated the use of the GHS Mixtures Equation for the assessment of acute oral toxicity of formulations, and it concluded that the formula was useful to predict the toxicity of mixtures, particularly those with lower toxicity.7
Acute oral toxicity
Specific to predicting acute oral systemic toxicity, the EPA and NICEATM developed a computational model called the Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite (CATMoS).8 The model is a free resource and can be implemented within the Open (Quantitative) Structure-activity/property Relationship App (OPERA).9
Acute inhalation toxicity
The EPA has accepted the use of a non-animal testing approach to support the re-registration of a fungicide known to be an irritant.10,11 The approach combined knowledge of the chemical’s physicochemical properties, exposure monitoring of agrochemical workers, and use of human dosimetry modelling to predict localisation within the human respiratory tract. It then used a reconstructed human tissue (MucilAir™, Epithelix Sàrl) representative of the respiratory region of interest to assess effects relevant to the human response. The EPA encourages registrants to meet with the agency to discuss the use of novel testing strategies that are not yet included in standard guidance.
A summary of the Science Consortium’s extensive work on respiratory toxicity testing can be found here.
Acute dermal toxicity
In the EU, acute dermal toxicity tests may be waived if the test substance has been shown to be corrosive to the skin.5 In 2016, the EPA issued guidance for waiving acute dermal toxicity tests of pesticide formulations12 based on a holistic assessment of other toxicity tests, and the guidance was extended to active ingredients13 in 2020.
1Strickland J, Clippinger AJ, Brown J, et al. Status of acute systemic toxicity testing requirements and data uses by US regulatory agencies. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2018;94:183-196.
2Hamm J, Sullivan K, Clippinger AJ, et al. Alternative approaches for identifying acute systemic toxicity: moving from research to regulatory testing. Toxicol In Vitro. 2017;41:245-259.
3Clippinger AJ, Allen D, Jarabek AM, et al. Alternative approaches for acute inhalation toxicity testing to address global regulatory and non-regulatory data requirements: an international workshop report. Toxicol In Vitro. 2018;48:53-70.
4Corvaro M, Gehen S, Andrews K, et al. GHS additivity formula: a true replacement method for acute systemic toxicity testing of agrochemical formulations. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2016;82:99-110.
5European Commission. Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 of 1 March 2013 setting out the data requirements for plant protection products, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market. Official Journal of the European Union. Updated 21 November 2022.
6UK Health and Safety Executive. Vertebrate testing (toxicology).
7Hamm J, Allen D, Ceger P, et al. Performance of the GHS mixtures equation for predicting acute oral toxicity. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2021;125:105007.
8US National Toxicology Program. Predictive models for acute oral systemic toxicity – Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite (CATMoS). Updated 7 March 2023.
9US National Toxicology Program. OPERA. Updated 29 March 2023.
10US Environmental Protection Agency. Chlorothalonil: revised human health draft risk assessment for registration review. 21 May 2021.
11OECD. Case Study on the use of an Integrated Approach for Testing and Assessment (IATA) for New Approach Methodology (NAM) for Refining Inhalation Risk Assessment from Point of Contact Toxicity of the Pesticide, Chlorothalonil. Series on Testing and Assessment No 367. 1 September 2022.
12US Environmental Protection Agency. Guidance for waiving acute dermal toxicity tests for pesticide formulations & supporting retrospective analysis. 9 November 2016.
13US Environmental Protection Agency. Guidance for waiving acute dermal toxicity tests for pesticide technical chemicals & supporting retrospective analysis. 31 December 2020.
The Science Consortium, government, and industry are working to modernise carcinogenicity testing through the Rethinking Carcinogenicity Assessment for Agrochemicals Project (ReCAAP).1 Additional efforts are underway, including activities at the OECD2, to advance more human-relevant carcinogenicity assessments.3 More information about this work and carcinogenicity testing can be found here.
Efforts to develop in vitro methods to assess carcinogenicity are ongoing. For example, cell transformation assays (e.g. the cell transformation assay based on the Bhas 42 cell line4) assess phenotypic changes to cells, which are associated with the initial stages of normal cells transforming into neoplastic cells. Data from cell transformation assays can be used in combination with other data streams to provide an indication of hazard or risk. In addition, in silico models – such as Lhasa Limited’s Kaptis, which is organised using relevant adverse outcome pathways (AOP) and networks – can be useful in determining the carcinogenic potential of a chemical.5 Lhasa Limited has also collaborated with the AOP-Wiki (established by the OECD) to develop Wiki Kaptis to improve the understanding of pathway connectivity within AOP networks.6
1Hilton GM, Adcock C, Akerman G, et al. Rethinking chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity assessment for agrochemicals project (ReCAAP): a reporting framework to support a weight of evidence safety assessment without long-term rodent bioassays. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2022;131:105160.
2Louekari K, Jacobs MN. A modular strategy for the testing and assessment of non‑genotoxic carcinogens. Arch Toxicol. 2024:
3Hilton GM, Corvi R, Luijten M, Mehta J, Wolf DC. Towards achieving a modern science-based paradigm for agrochemical carcinogenicity assessment. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2023;137:105301.
4European Commission Tracking System for Alternative methods towards Regulatory acceptance (TSAR). Cell transformation assay based on the Bhas 42 cell line. 2012.
5Stalford SA, Cayley AN, Fowkes A, Oliveira AA, Xanthis I, Barber CG. Structuring expert review using AOPs: enabling robust weight-of-evidence assessments for carcinogenicity under ICH S1B(R1). Comput Toxicol. 2024;31:100320.
6Lhasa Limited. Wiki Kaptis.
Avian toxicity
For decades, the EPA has required data from both avian acute oral toxicity (OCSPP 850.2100) and avian dietary toxicity (OCSPP 850.2200) tests for the registration of pesticides. However, trends over the past 20 years have suggested that the avian sub-acute dietary test generally does not drive risk management decisions, and scientists from the Science Consortium and EPA conducted a detailed retrospective analysis to confirm this hypothesis. One-hundred-and-nineteen pesticides registered between 1998 and 2017 were evaluated, and the results demonstrate that the sub-acute dietary test conducted on birds is not used in risk management and can be removed without causing harm to the environment.1 This analysis was used to support the EPA’s guidance for replacing the avian sub-acute dietary test for pesticide registration with a science-based integrated assessment.2 The EPA now joins regulatory agencies in Australia, Canada, and the EU in avoiding the use of this test in favour of reliance on other scientific information. For more information on the Science Consortium’s work on avian toxicity, see here.
Aquatic toxicity
After conducting a retrospective data analysis, the EPA instituted a policy in 2020 to reduce the number of test concentrations – and therefore fish – used in fish bioconcentration tests.3
In 2023, the EPA published a paper with NICEATM demonstrating that it should be possible to assess potential acute risk of substances to fish using fewer than the three fish species currently required.4
Through the International Council on Animal Protection in OECD Programmes (ICAPO), the Science Consortium is co-leading a project (with the US) to reduce the number of fish used in aquatic toxicity tests by reducing the number of solvents used. In addition, through ICAPO, the Science Consortium is co-leading a project (with Austria) to develop guidance on integrated approaches to testing and assessment to assess the acute toxicity potential of a test substance to fish. For more information on the Science Consortium’s work on aquatic toxicity, see here.
1Hilton GM, Odenkirchen E, Panger M, Waleko G, Lowit A, Clippinger AJ. Evaluation of the avian acute oral and sub-acute dietary toxicity test for pesticide registration. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2019;105:30-35.
2US Environmental Protection Agency. Guidance for waiving sub-acute avian dietary tests for pesticide registration and supporting retrospective analysis. 2020.
3US Environmental Protection Agency. Fish bioconcentration data requirement: guidance for selection of number of treatment concentrations. 2020.
4Ceger P, Allen D, Blankinship A, et al. Evaluation of the fish acute toxicity test for pesticide registration. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2023;139:105340.
Toxicity Tests Using Dogs
Many countries used to require both a 90-day (sub-chronic) study and one-year (chronic) study in dogs as part of the data requirements for registering pesticide active ingredients. Beginning in the late 1990s, numerous scientific articles1–10 have been published assessing the results of the one-year chronic test in dogs and supporting the conclusion that its elimination would not compromise human safety or protection.
In the US, the EPA removed the one-year study from its requirements in 2007.11 The EU passed legislation in March 2013 also eliminating the requirement for the one-year dog study. Following discussions between the Science Consortium and Health Canada staff, Canada eliminated its requirement in March 2016.12 Japan and South Korea eliminated their requirements in April 2018,13 and Brazil eliminated its requirement in July 2019. Australia, China, and India have indicated that they do not require the one-year test or that it can be waived when a robust scientific rationale is provided.
In addition to the one-year test, recent international collaborations have focused on the 90-day sub-chronic test in dogs, proposing a decision tree for when it is possible to waive the test, i.e. when sufficient information can be provided from existing information or in silico and in vitro methods to assess this endpoint.14
1Gerbracht U, Spielmann H. The use of dogs as second species in regulatory testing of pesticides. Part I. Interspecies comparison. Arch Toxicol. 1998;72(6):319-329.
2Spielmann H, Gerbracht U. The use of dogs as second species in regulatory testing of pesticides. Part II: Subacute, subchronic and chronic studies in the dog. Arch Toxicol. 2001;75(1):1-21.
3Baetcke KP, Phang W, Dellarco V. A comparison of the results of studies on pesticides from 12- or 24-month dog studies with dog studies of shorter duration. Health Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. US Environmental Protection Agency. 2005.
4Box RJ, Spielmann H. Use of the dog as non-rodent species in the safety testing schedule associated with the registration of crop and plant protection products (pesticides): present status. Arch Toxicol. 2005;79(11):615-626.
5Doe JE, Boobis AR, Blacker A, et al. A tiered approach to systemic toxicity testing for agricultural chemical safety assessment. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2006;36(1):37-68.
6US Environmental Protection Agency. Length of dog toxicity study(ies) that is appropriate for chronic RfD determinations of pesticide chemicals. Health Effects Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. 20 March 2006.
7van Ravenzwaay B. Initiatives to decrease redundancy in animal testing of pesticides. ALTEX. 2010;27(3):112-114.
8Dellarco VL, Rowland J, May B. A retrospective analysis of toxicity studies in dogs and impact on the chronic reference dose for conventional pesticide chemicals. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2010;40(1):16-23.
9Kobel W, Fegert I, Billington R, et al. A 1-year toxicity study in dogs is no longer a scientifically justifiable core data requirement for the safety assessment of pesticides. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2010;40(1):1-15.
10Kobel W, Fegert I, Billington R, et al. Relevance of the 1-year dog study in assessing human health risks for registration of pesticides. An update to include pesticides registered in Japan. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2014;44(10):842-848.
11US Environmental Protection Agency. Pesticides; data requirements for conventional chemicals, technical amendments, and data requirements for biochemical and microbial pesticides; final rules. Fed Regist. 2007;72(207):60934-60988.
12Government of Canada. Guidance for developing datasets for conventional pest control product applications: data codes for parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10. Updated 12 February 2021.
13Food Safety Commission of Japan. Review on the one-year repeated dose oral toxicity study in dogs for the toxicological evaluation of pesticides (agricultural chemicals) (decision of the Expert Committee on Pesticide, FSCJ, 21 December 2017). Food Saf (Tokyo). 2018;6(4):162-163.
14Bishop PL, Brescia S, Brunner R, et al. Challenges and opportunities for overcoming dog use in agrochemical evaluation and registration. ALTEX. 2023;10.14573/altex.2302151.
Training and Collaborations
The Science Consortium organises training opportunities to familiarise scientists and regulators with non-animal test methods. These sessions are led by in silico and in vitro method experts, such as the Institute for In Vitro Sciences and the Laboratory of Mathematical Chemistry. For example, several times each year, the Science Consortium sponsors a hands-on training at the Institute for In Vitro Sciences. In addition, the Science Consortium, the EPA, and others co-organise a webinar series on the use of new approach methods in risk assessment.
The Science Consortium participates in the Pesticide Program Dialogue Committee (PPDC), which is a federal advisory committee for the EPA Office of Pesticide Programs with members representing industry, growers, and the animal protection, environmental, and farmworker communities.
In the EU, the Science Consortium is a registered stakeholder with the European Food Safety Authority and meets with and provides comments to the European Commission as data requirements for pesticide active ingredients and formulations are updated. The Science Consortium also participates in member state competent authority meetings for biocides (which are regulated separately from plant protection products in the EU), in which data requirements are discussed and updated. The Science Consortium also works with the Commission, member state authorities, and industry representatives on a number of far-reaching regulatory initiatives, such as the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability,1 to replace tests on animals with robust non-animal approaches.
Similarly, in India, the Science Consortium works with the Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee and industry members, providing scientific recommendations on the implementation of effective, non-animal methods.
1European Commission. Chemicals strategy.
For a list of our publications, see here.